The Northfield Arts Guild’s Legacy Society offers individuals the opportunity to support the Guild through their wills or estate planning. Options for legacy giving include:

  • Give from an IRA
  • Donate appreciated stock
  • Name the Guild as a beneficiary of retirement plan assets
  • Consider a charitable gift annuity

There are many ways to give! If you are interested in discussion joining the Guild’s Legacy Society, please contact Executive Director, Michael Johnson, at 507.645.8877 x2 or

Legacy Society Members

Through their foresight and generosity, these donors have included the Guild in the wills or estate planning:

Wendell Arneson & Beth Christensen
Kay Adkins Brown
Bill & Char Carlson
Richard & Katherine Collman
Ann & Brendon Etter
Ken & Jill Ewald
Joy Ganyo* Trust
Sonja Hillestad
Michael Johnson
Myrna H. Johnson* Estate
Dean & Lynne Pfister Lamp*
Rich & Virginia Lorang
David McKee
Donovan & Bonita Parker
Marie & Clint Sathrum
Eva Lou Scott
Sue Shepard & Don Helgeson*
Jan Shoger
Bardwell* & Charlotte* Smith
Noel & Lois Stratmoen
Bob Thacker


Our special thanks to these individuals for including the Guild in their planned giving!