Bring a piece of cotton clothing or linen napkins up to 5 ounces to dye… preferably white. The indigo vat will be already made! Instructor will have organic cotton napkins, bandanas, market bags and scarves available for purchase. If interested, let judy@saye-willis.com know when you sign up. Indigo, which comes from a plant, is the blue dye that made Levi Straus famous, and was grown in the southeastern US in the early 1800s. Today there is still a commercial indigo growing and processing operation in Tennessee. Many tobacco farmers have switched to growing indigo and there are smaller growers across the country. Participate in the community vat and learn more about this mysterious centuries-old blue color. Instructor may even bring a vat made from indigo grown locally in Rice County! Registrants will also receive a tutorial on preparing their dye fabric with the Shibori resist design method. All ages welcome, youth accompanied by adult.
Saturday, July 31 | Beginning at 12 pm (students will be asked to sign up for 45 minute slots)
Art Studio
Guild Member: $45.90 | Non-Member: $51
Instructor: Judy Saye-Willis