Join your friends for a new and unique theater event during Defeat of Jessie James Days. CASTastrophe is a marvelous mix-up of melodies and monologues where performers play roles in which they’d normally never be cast due to gender, age, race, etc. This is going to be FUN!
- Under the direction of Pauline Jennings, the cast includes Birch Carlson, Johanna Drentlaw, Esme’ Etter, Jerry Fox, Libby Glimsdal, Bob and Ann Gregory-Bjorklund, Rachel and Alison Haider, Dave and Ruth Legvold, Steve Lawler, Pauline Jennings, Elin Odegaard, Wendy Placko and new performers to the Guild stage: Mandie Siems and Greta VanLoon. Susan Carlson stage manages.
- An exciting band, featuring Steve Jennings, Curt Johnson, Andrew Burns and friends accompanies the singers.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 6, 7, 8 at 7:30pm
Northfield Arts Guild Theater
All tickets only $10